
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Quotes 1 - 17

1. “Trials exist because God wants to test you.” That’s a lie! He already knows your capabilities, more than you could imagine. Trials exist because you need to learn one thing and that is faith.

2. Without Jesus, days are mournday, tearsday, wasteday, thirstdat, shatterday and sinday. So allow him to be with you every day.

3. God is the reason why even in pain, we smile; even in confusion, we understand; even in betrayal, we trust and even in fear, we continue to fight.

4. Some lessons are best learned through pain. Sometimes our visions become clear only after our eyes are washed with tears. Sometimes we have to be broken so we can be whole again. If God meant the day to be perfect, He wouldn’t have invented tomorrow.

5. Do you know the feeling of loving someone who does not love you in return? It hurts, right? That is how God feels most of the time.

6. A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger.
- Proverbs 15: 1

7. Wherever you are, I pray love be with you. Wherever you go, I pray goodness to surround you. Whatever you do, I pray joy to fill your heart because you deserve every good gift a wonderful life can hold.

8. Life forms us. Sin deforms us. School informs us. But only God transforms us.

9. God doesn’t want you to describe how great your mountains are, what He wants you to do is to tell your mountains how great your God is.

10. It is wonderful to get answers from prayers but it is even more wonderful to let God mind you and make you into an answer to somebody’s prayer.

11. The Lord hides everything in nothing. He hides a tree in a seed. He hides a king in a shepherd boy. He hides a savior in baby. Aren’t you excited to see what he is hiding in you?

12. Right guy, wrong time. Right time, wrong guy. New guy, old lines. Old guy, new lies.

13. Life is like pictures. You can look back on the moments, but you can never recapture them.

14. LETTING GO is a an EASY thing to say but definitely a HARD thing to do.

15. Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.

16. Remind yourself that it's okay not to be perfect.

17. theres nothing worse than tha Pain you receive from Love